Social impact

Research and promote social methods and public policies to make the energy transition highly beneficial for societies. This takes into account at least two levels of reflection: a) a dimension of territorial justice, which is beneficial to the local communities involved; b) a dimension of international economic justice, which serves the country promoting energy transition policies to implement positive development strategies for endogenous industrialization and for balanced trade exchanges.

WP6: Mobilities for social impact

Expected results

Trained researchers from European research infrastructures and LAC R&I entities on how to incorporate social perspective on their research about energy technologies.


Mobilities for Social impact in LAC and in Spain-Portugal will be carried out as the phase I (design) and phase II (fieldwork) of an ethnographic study related to policies on lithium, green hydrogen and renewable energies.

WP7: Research and innovation actions for social impact

Expected results


Ethnographic research and subsequent publication on the social impacts of energy transition in case studies of specific policies focused on lithium, green hydrogen and renewable energies.


An ethnographic study will be carried out the phase III (systematization and paper writing) and the phase IV (publication and presentation of results) of the ethnographic research.


Virtual thematic event about social impact in energy transition.

More about Energytran

Technological pillar

European Union needs to modernize the energy networks to support energy system integration and to incorporate other decarbonized and low-emission energy carriers, such as renewable hydrogen and lithium technologies (inline with the Paris Agreement).

Sustainable pillar

Climate change is not just an environmental problem, but also an economic, political, social and security one. The energy transition needs to be a green transition. Energy transition is a path born from different scenarios. One of the most notable causes is climate change; therefore, any step in favor of energy transition cannot be taken to the detriment of the Earth. Despite this, there are several processes of that transition that highly impact environments.

Public affairs

International problems require international solutions. Latin America is one of the regions of the world that has been suffering the most climate change making it a clear key ally for the European Union in its plans for dealing with this issue.