The path to the energy transition unites two continents, passing through INESC TEC.

A scientific cooperation project brings together 11 institutions from Europe and South America to promote the transition towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, under a horizontal cooperation model with a high social impact. It is called Energytran, and INESC TEC is one of the partners; the Institute will host researchers and support them in the development of technological solutions.

CENIT – Research Center for Transformation in Argentina: EnergyTran, international cooperation project for renewable energies.

On March 6, the EnergyTran international scientific cooperation project was launched in Madrid, with the aim of promoting the transition of Europe and Latin America towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources under a horizontal cooperation model with a high social impact. The project is led by the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) within the framework of the European Commission’s ‘Horizon Europe’ program, together with a consortium of 11 research centers, including CENIT-EEyN-UNSAM.

Policy Recommendations on technology and gender for the energy transition: the role of technology in the energy transition with a special focus on lithium, green hydrogen, and solar energy in Latin America and Europe from a gender perspective.Beyond Lithium: Latin America’s role in the global green transition

The OEI, within the framework of the ENERGYTRAN project, has published Policy Recommendations on technology and gender for the energy transition: the role of technology in the energy transition with a special focus on lithium, green hydrogen, and solar energy in Latin America and Europe from a gender perspective. The report is published as a contribution to the national governments of Ibero-American countries, the international cooperation system, and civil society in general.

The Centre for Human and Social Sciences (CSIC) of Spain at the IV Ibero-American Researchers’ Night 2024

The Centre for Human and Social Sciences (CSIC) of Spain at the IV Ibero-American Researchers’ Night 2024
The Ibero-American Researchers’ Night is an initiative that aims to promote the link between research and society, scientific vocations and society’s interest in science. It is part of the European project European Researchers’ Night, promoted in Madrid by the Madri+d Foundation. The OEI joined in 2020, celebrating its fifth edition this year.
In this context, within the framework of the ENERGYTRAN project, the CSIC participated with an informative video about the Energytran project and the research activity of the Centre for Human and Social Sciences (CSIC) within it.

The National Center for High Technology (CeNAT) of Costa Rica, the IV Ibero-American Researchers’ Night 2024

The Ibero-American Researchers’ Night is an initiative that aims to promote the link between research and society, scientific vocations and society’s interest in science. It is part of the European project European Researchers’ Night, promoted in Madrid by the Madri+d Foundation. The OEI joined in 2020, celebrating its fifth edition this year.

In this context, within the framework of the ENERGYTRAN project, CENAT participated with a video where it linked the terms and aspects for the implementation of the energy transition.

The Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) of Portugal, at the IV Ibero-American Researchers’ Night 2024

The Ibero-American Researchers’ Night is an initiative that aims to promote the link between research and society, scientific vocations and society’s interest in science. It is part of the European project European Researchers’ Night, promoted in Madrid by the Madri+d Foundation. The OEI joined in 2020, celebrating its fifth edition this year.
In this context, within the framework of the ENERGYTRAN project, the Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal (IPS) participated by presenting a video about the IPS team and its collaboration in the EULAC ENERGYTRAN project.

The National Technological Institute of Mexico (TECNM) at the IV Ibero-American Researchers’ Night 2024

The Ibero-American Researchers’ Night is an initiative that aims to promote the link between research and society, scientific vocations and society’s interest in science. It is part of the European project European Researchers’ Night, promoted in Madrid by the Madri+d Foundation. The OEI joined in 2020, celebrating its fifth edition this year.
In this context, within the framework of the ENERGYTRAN project, the National Technological Institute of Mexico (TECNM) presented a video exploring the fascinating field of adsorbents, key tools in the capture of hydrogen and carbon dioxide, two fundamental elements on our route to a cleaner and more efficient energy future.