
General objective

To address the energy transition, as a common challenge, through the exchange, generation and transfer of knowledge among EU and LAC research infrastructures from a multidisciplinary approach (technological, environmental, social) and to support the development of public policies and regulatory frameworks promoting a clean, sustainable and just transition of the energy sector to advance to a resilient society.


modernizing the technologies developed by the energy research infrastructures to supply solutions for progressive electrification, integrating decarbonized and low emission energy carriers such as renewable hydrogen and lithium technologies.


highlighting the environmental dimension on the energy transition to assur new energy sources are sustainable and environmentally friendly.

conducting research and promoting social methods and public policies to make the energy transition truly beneficial for societies – taking in to account both territorial and international economic justice – by approaching it from an integral perspective.


fostering scientific cooperation between the EU and LAC energy research infrastructures and transferring the results to make energy transition a key aspect for the main stakeholders involved on the sector, ensuring it takes place effectively with an ethical and quality approach.


Horizontal cooperation: Cooperation among countries (scientific institutions, governments, enterprises and society) and international organisations/initiatives will be based on common interest, mutual benefit and global commitments to implement the Paris Agreement and the SDGs.

Inclusiveness: Gender equality on science and other disadvantage issues is a cross-cutting priority in Energytran. Our consortium will be worked on integrating gender and inclusive dimension across the project.

Participatory methods: Following multi-stakeholder participatory approach. Methodologies as citizen’s science will be used throughout the different project’s results.


Socially relevant impact: The objective of this principle is to promote R&I so that it embraces three specific characteristics: science with a social impact; science at the service of public policies and society; and science in alliance.


Regarding research infrastructures:


To contribute to address the common challenge of the energy transition promoting climate neutrality and a clean, sustainable, and just transition of the energy sector to advance to a resilient society.


To strengthen the European Research Area on energy sector with LAC countries.

Regarding researchers:


To rethink new technological cycles associated with the energy transition within a new sustainable development paradigm.

Regarding EU and LAC policy makers:


To foster legal frameworks and political measures that contribute to circular economy.

Regarding civil society:


To promote that methods for carrying out the energy transition not only are not harmful for societies but highly beneficial, tackling this transition from an integral perspective.

Partners and
collaborative entities