D 6.1 Monitoring report for social impact mobilities I

As part of the Energytran project, various exchange and mobility activities are being carried out between the
Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) and research infrastructures in Latin America and the Caribbean
(LAC). These initiatives aim to foster the creation of scientific cooperation networks that strengthen ties
between the EU and LAC, promoting interdisciplinary collaboration and the exchange of knowledge in the field
of energy transition.

D 4.2 Monitoring report for sustainability mobilities I

As part of the Energytran project, several mobilities will be carried out between Lifewatch ERIC and research infrastructures in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC). These initiatives aim to foster through a sustainability dimension, the creation of scientific cooperation networks that strengthen ties between the EU and LAC, engaging in discussions with experts on topics related to Open Science, data management, and environmental monitoring and assessment; and learning about initiatives showcasing how different European RIs collaborate to support research communities.

D 1.2 Monitoring report for technology mobilities I

The technological mobility project of the WP 1 of the ENERGYTRAN project is part of a strategic international collaboration focused on the research and development of concentrated solar energy technologies. This context is part of a broader effort to respond to the challenges of the global energy transition, promoting the development of sustainable technologies and fostering cooperation between European and Latin American institutions leading the advancement of renewable energies.

Policy Recommendations on technology and gender for the energy transition: the role of technology in the energy transition with a special focus on lithium, green hydrogen, and solar energy in Latin America and Europe from a gender perspective.Beyond Lithium: Latin America’s role in the global green transition

The OEI, within the framework of the ENERGYTRAN project, has published Policy Recommendations on technology and gender for the energy transition: the role of technology in the energy transition with a special focus on lithium, green hydrogen, and solar energy in Latin America and Europe from a gender perspective. The report is published as a contribution to the national governments of Ibero-American countries, the international cooperation system, and civil society in general.

Beyond Lithium: Latin America’s role in the global green transition

Ibero-America is a region that has much to offer to the world. All the countries in the Ibero-American space have signed both the Paris Agreement and the 2030 Agenda. The energy transition in Latin America is also generating valuable experiences and knowledge for international networks of exchange and academic collaboration on this topic. An example of this is ENERGYTRAN, a scientific cooperation project between Europe and Ibero-America for the energy transition, coordinated by the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science, and Culture (OEI).

LifeWatch ERIC member of the ENERGYTRAN Consortium, participant in the first Virtual Technology Thematic Event of the project.

On June 26 and 27, 2024, the first virtual event of the Energytran scientific cooperation project took place, an initiative coordinated by the Organization of Ibero-American States for Education, Science and Culture (OEI) in collaboration with the European Commission through funding from the Horizon Europe program and involving 11 European and Latin American institutions. The meeting is the first in a series of discussion and debate activities that will take place until the end of 2025 around the need to move towards transformations in the energy systems of our region.