
- 27

Hosting institution:

16:00 - 20:00

Hosting institution:


Technological virtual thematic event

The 26th and 27th of June the first virtual thematic event of the Energytran project will take place. It belongs to the technological pillar in relation to the energy transition in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. Under the title, "Strengthening Europe-Latin America Cooperation in the Energy Transition: Exploring Innovative Technologies, Policies and Practices”, five panels will be developed, formed by experts from both regions.

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- 07
All day

Hosting institution:

All day

Hosting institution:


Kick off meeting

The 6th and 7th of March, 2024, the kick off meeting of the project Energytran took place in Madrid (Spain), gathering for the first time the 11 partners of the consortium with the goal of organizing the following 21 months of the project.


- 07
All day

Hosting institution:

All day

Hosting institution:


Kick off meeting

The 6th and 7th of March, 2024, the kick off meeting of the project Energytran took place in Madrid (Spain), gathering for the first time the 11 partners of the consortium with the goal of organizing the following 21 months of the project.


- 27

Hosting institution:

16:00 - 20:00

Hosting institution:


Technological virtual thematic event

The 26th and 27th of June the first virtual thematic event of the Energytran project will take place. It belongs to the technological pillar in relation to the energy transition in Europe and Latin America and the Caribbean. Under the title, "Strengthening Europe-Latin America Cooperation in the Energy Transition: Exploring Innovative Technologies, Policies and Practices”, five panels will be developed, formed by experts from both regions.

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Latest news

Energytran explora la cooperación científica entre Europa y América Latina y el Caribe: clave para una transición energética justa y sostenible

Energytran explora la cooperación científica entre Europa y América Latina y el Caribe: clave para una transición energética justa y sostenible

Esta semana el proyecto Energytran, que coordina la OEI, celebró su primer evento online temático «Fortaleciendo la Cooperación Europa-América Latina en la Transición Energética» con la participación de más de 200 asistentes.

The kick off meeting days of the Energytran project have concluded

The kick off meeting days of the Energytran project have concluded

On Thursday 7 th of March, representatives of the institutions and universities belonging to the Energytran consortium visited the headquarters of Spain leading public energy research centre as part of the launch of this scientific cooperation project.

Energytran, the OEI project to address a clean and just energy transition in Europe and Latin America, begins

Energytran, the OEI project to address a clean and just energy transition in Europe and Latin America, begins

With the aim of promoting the transition of Europe and Latin America towards cleaner and more sustainable energy sources, and under a model of horizontal cooperation with a high social impact, the implementation of the ‘Energytran’ project has begun.

The European Commission selects the ‘Energytran’ project on energy transition under the ‘Horizon Europe’ programme

The European Commission selects the ‘Energytran’ project on energy transition under the ‘Horizon Europe’ programme

The Organisation of Ibero-American States will lead a consortium of 11 universities and research centres from 6 countries (Spain, Portugal, Argentina, Chile, Mexico and Costa Rica) in a scientific cooperation project.